Julia is a beloved Licensed Esthetician and sought after Lymphatic Specialist. Lauded for her intuitively healing touch and warm bedside manner, her practice is a study in skin as a vessel to overall health. Her work is anchored by three tenets: the power of massage, nervous system support and client partnership.


Expect a thorough initial intake and continued analysis on a treatment-to-treatment basis. This informs Julia’s approach in The Studio. During your session you are encouraged to rest, allowing Julia to gently guide the process and care for you. 

Holistic care consists not only of product selections but lifestyle considerations, including stress, diet and sleep— the full spectrum of your unique lifestyle is taken into account when you receive treatment at The Studio. Julia is prepared to meet you where you’re at and wants to work in partnership with you, leading you through an iterative plan that works with your set of circumstances. You will receive a follow-up email tailored to your skin condition with suggestions for home-care between treatments.  


The Studio is a long-awaited skincare oasis created by Julia. It is her answer to the question asked many times over by her loyal clientele, “How can I get you to massage my face for an entire treatment?” This humble, intimate space is a centrally located 2nd floor walk-up in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles.